Safety Gear Won’t Prevent All Motorcycle Injuries

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Safety Gear Won’t Prevent All Motorcycle Injuries

Written by Malman Law, reviewed by Steve J. Malman.

Motorcycle accidents occur every day throughout the nation and Illinois. Riders can wear helmets and other safety gear, but even the most diligent biker won’t be 100 percent safe. Other motorists must also do their part in preventing motorcycle accidents and injuries.

More motorcycle riders are taking to the streets with warmer weather and loosening COVID restrictions. Riding on the open road can relieve much-needed stress from a long winter and a pandemic. Unfortunately, riding, even with safety gear, is risky. An estimated 80 percent of reported motorcycle accidents cause injury or death. In 2018, there were 82,000 motorcycle injuries in the U.S. Some of these injuries can be prevented or lessened with the use of helmets and other safety gear, but not all of them.

If another driver is responsible for your injuries, it’s time to call an experienced Chicago motorcycle accident lawyer. There are time limits to taking legal action, so you should first get the medical help you need and then contact a legal professional to evaluate your right as soon as possible.

Motorcyclist Safety vs. Car Passenger Safety

While safety gear for cars and motorcycles certainly helps reduce the risk of injuries and deaths, neither is foolproof. In fact, drivers and passengers within a vehicle are afforded more protection than motorcyclists. They have the protection of seatbelts, crumple zones, airbags, sturdy metal frames, and other features. This equipment won’t prevent an accident, but it will help protect those inside the vehicle if one occurs.

Motorcycle riders aren’t afforded these protections. If a motorcycle accident occurs, it’s them against the road, other objects, and other vehicles. It’s also crucial to remember that even though car passengers have more protection, they can still suffer injuries and fatalities.

Motorcycle Safety Gear

Many types of safety gear are available to motorcycle riders. However, none reduce injuries or deaths by 100 percent. While helmets are legally required in Illinois, they reduce the risk of head injury in a motorcycle accident by 69 percent. Motorcyclists are legally required to wear eye protection in Illinois. Other safety gear that can help reduce the risks or decrease the severity of injuries includes:

  1. Jackets
  2. Pants
  3. Suits
  4. Boots
  5. Gloves
  6. Body Armor
  7. Elbow, shin, and knee guards

Motorcycle safety gear and other motorists driving safely and recognizing motorcycles can significantly decrease the chances of accidents, injuries, and deaths. Neither motorcyclists nor the drivers around them should assume that they are safe because of safety gear. Bikers in crashes should contact a Chicago motorcycle accident attorney to determine whether they were wearing safety gear during the crash. Even if they weren’t, they still have legal rights, and at least one other motorist could be liable.

Talk to an Experienced Chicago Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Today

No matter how expensive or high-quality motorcycle safety gear is, none is 100 percent guaranteed to prevent injury or death. It needs to be combined with safe driving. If other drivers failed to remember this and caused your accident, you deserve compensation for your injuries. The skilled motorcycle accident attorneys at Malman Law can help you pursue it. Schedule your free consultation today. Call (312) 629-0099 or use our online contact form.

Steve Malman

Malman Law’s founder Attorney Steven Malman has over 30 years of experience handling personal injury, nursing home, medical malpractice, truck accidents, car accidents, premises liability, construction, and workers’ compensation cases in Chicago, IL.

Years of experience: +30 years
Justia Profile: Steve Malman
Illinois Registration Status: Active and authorized to practice law—Last Registered Year: 2024

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This page has been written, edited, and reviewed by a team of legal writers following our comprehensive editorial guidelines. This page was approved by President and Founder, Steven J. Malman who has more than 20 years of legal experience as a personal injury attorney.

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